There's something in the air, and this you wanna catch! It's a strong urge which is taking a hold of many- the urge to shift "from revolving to evolving".
It sounds like this: " I think I'm going to stop drinking", "I think I'm going to stop smoking weed", "I think I'm going to stop watching hours of Netflix", "I think I'm going to stop obsessing about love and sex", "I think I'm going to stop being so focused on tasks." "I think I'm going to stop..." I'm reminded of those whistles only a dog can hear, where you see him suddenly raise his head and then take off. It's an old message come to life, about there being a toxic shame evolution revolution... a Re Evolution: There's a Toxic Shame REvolution coming... and it's upon us.... here.... now. The friend who was with me as it was coming through, had a powerful image of all of these folks being caught in revolving doors, with more and more being spit out into a large bright courtyard. The spitting is surely happening in an almost epidemic way. When we're in search for the beloved, as Jean Houston called our innate search for meaning, we so often cast our rods at false prophets like ambition, caretaking, vanity, keeping secrets or even being perpetually stuck. When all the while, the real thing has been waiting for us to pull back from whatever it is we've invested in. We revolve because we're afraid. We're afraid of our power. We're afraid of being alone. We're afraid of being exposed. We're afraid of leaving others behind. We're afraid of failing. We're afraid of feeling empty. We're afraid of feeling too much. We're afraid of change. We're afraid of being judged and misunderstood. We're afraid of loss. We're afraid of drowning in the details and responsibilities of life. We're afraid of being out of control. Or, I should say, we've been afraid. One of my revolving doors has been this trio of fretting, worrying, and nit-picking, which often leads to perfectionism, procrastination and exhaustion! I've also heard that dog spelled backwards whistle and have found myself being spit out into light and movement and color. Every single one who's dared to answer the call and step out from their revolving door, appears to be discovering the same. New opportunities, sacred experiences, a fullness of being, joy. A return to innocence. "A peace so pure, there's no room for anything else." There's a momentum that's here to help us. We're suddenly able to do that which has eluded us, that which maybe we haven't really wanted to stop... until now. What have you been using to revolve rather than evolve? What urge is calling to you? What has been taking up space, sucking up your time and energy? So much is waiting once you step out. Remember, the entire Universe is rooting for you!
Hello! I'm Maria Rodriguez,Clinical Social Worker turned Evolutionary Revolutionary! Welcoming all Fellow Seekers to this Cour de Grace Visions & Voices Blog ArchivesCategories